I was driving past Lowell Park in Everett and noticed so many of the trees have leaves changing - the most incredible shade of red. So red they're almost burgundy. I love that God gives us so many changes through the seasons. Had to park the car and actually wander around a little bit.
Last but not least, for this post, anyhow. Saw these guys havin' a snack on my way home from picking Christopher up from school the other day. Not something I'm used to seeing in my neighborhood, that's for sure. I felt bad for the little brown one, he'd wrapped himself around that fire hydrant. Fortunately, a gentleman much stronger than me arrived home and helped the poor little guy out. I'm pretty sure it would not have gone well if I had tried to unravel him! All I could picture was the other one trying to munch on my clothes while I tried to untangle the leashes. I've learned animals are a lot stronger - and heavier - than they look. Didn't want to have an "I wrestled a goat today" story to share.
So... that's some life out my van window. Ok - some scenery out my van window and a little bit of life. I'll work on that a bit for the next time I decide to share a little of what is happening around me.
One last thing - if you haven't seen it yet? Go see the movie Fireproof. It is REALLY worth seeing!!
Hope you have had a blessed Sunday!
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