I feel a bit out of touch. It's been almost a week since I last posted and I'm not even sure where to begin with this one. Last Thursday I posted my "thankful" list and then headed off to the doctor for my pre-op appointment. It included a test that sent my body into turmoil. Not sure how else to describe it. I have spent every day since in misery physically. The thing that keeps me going every day is knowing that Friday is my surgery and then, prayerfully, this problem will be rectified and I can stop feeling like it's my sole focus.
It's not even an interesting focus.
Friday Christopher & I headed down to Oregon to hang out with my brother and his family for a couple of days. There was an ulterior motive but seeing them was the best part of our trip. We headed off to the Oregon State Fair for some one on one time with a boa constrictor. My sister-in-law & I were talking about the fact that holding & touching a snake doesn't bother us. It's when they're out "in the wild" and we come across one suddenly that we aren't too keen on. Snakes are not my friend but this one is pretty, she's yellow and not too huge but big enough to be a bit intimidating. We had our picture taken with her but I forgot to give my sister-in-law my camera so... the electronic version is on her camera still and the polaroid is at home. Not scanned.
However, I have a few great pictures of the clouds in the sky. Don't ask me why but on occasion I'll hold my camera up to my windshield and just snap a picture. These are a couple of samples of what I've managed to "catch" so far.

If you enlarge the pictures you can probably see a spot or two on them. They're on my windshield.
I wish I could say I managed to relax yesterday but... had laundry to do and errands to run. Had to buy a few groceries, too. I'm working on that. I spent over $100 yesterday and that will only cover a couple of days. Aaron & I have been talking about really settling in and figuring out better ways to budget our food money. There has to be a better way. Even with clipping coupons and trying to shop as many sales as possible our food bill is somewhere around $700-800 a month. It's crazy stuff. We know there is a better way to shop out there but we haven't stumbled across it yet. It needs to be simple, too. As much as we would love to be able to spend several hours just sitting around cutting coupons, shopping sale ads, etc., we can't do it all. So...some weeks we bargain and other weeks we don't. Even if we cut our food bills by $50 a week, I'd be thrilled.
I think that's going to be it for today...I'm sleepy. My surgery is Friday at 9:15 AM. I would really love it if you'd pray for my doctor while this is happening. :)

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