Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
~Ecclesiastes 4:11-13
This week I am going to write about some of the people in my life to whom and for whom I am incredibly thankful. Without them, my life would be dull and boring. God knows the people we need in our lives and blesses us with them at just the right time. One thing is for sure, I have been abundantly blessed.
So...this week, I am thankful for:
1. My husband. I am sure I've mentioned this before but if not, I was a single mom from the time my son was 18 months old until he was 18. Getting married again became the furthest thing from my mind, I was certain God did not intend it for me. Then on a Friday, walking on the beach at Westport, I told God I was ok if He was going to leave me single but I wouldn't mind if He had a man in mind for me to share the rest of my life. I added if he had blue eyes, brown hair, was about 6 ft. tall and owned a beach house, I'd be ok with that. :) Well... I got the blue eyes & brown hair and the rest of what I got was totally unexpected. There is not, I believe, anywhere, a man as wonderful for me as my husband. And God knew that. His love for Jesus, his humor, intelligence and just... everything... is as close to perfection as I could ever find on earth. I am so incredibly grateful God brought him to me.
I might have given too much word space to my husband so I will try to be less wordy...
2. My sons. Both of them are so unique and offer such different things to my life. One I gave birth to, one was a gift that came with my husband. Neither of them do I want to live without and both of them mean more to me than words could ever express.
3. My mother. She is one of the best friends I have ever had. She is a woman who loves her family more than life, gives herself completely to us and puts up with all of our "gunk." And there is a lot with which she has to put up!
4. My family. We have our ups and downs (right now is actually a bit down) but I love them. Their uniqueness and beauty boggles my mind on a regular basis.
5. My Lifegroup - all 6 who are not my husband. Each man and woman brings a unique aspect to our group and without each of them I would not be challenged to study my Bible as much or be open to discussion as much or even serve others as much. They hold me accountable and take care of me when I'm down. They show me what true community is.
6. My girlfriends. Both the believers and the non-believers. Some of these women have been in my life for 25 years or more. I love each of them for who they are and I am grateful for all that they bring to my life. I have laughed with them and cried with them. Some of them have seen me so ugly I have embarrassed myself, been ashamed of myself and they loved me right on through that.
7. Those people I have served alongside and those I continue to serve alongside. Those people involved in Proverbs 31:20 Ministries, the Western Washington Human Trafficking Coalition and Haven for Life Ministries. Each person involved has been drawn to the work they do and I love that every one of them has been obedient to God's calling. I love their courage and willingness to work with those a lot of people don't want to be bothered by - the homeless, the trafficked, the pregnant teen.
8. My co-workers. Sometimes I wish I worked with more women but I am grateful for the men He has seen fit to bring alongside me. Their work ethics, their humor, their chivalry - their "gentleman-ness" is incredibly important in a day when such attitudes are so difficult to find. They make work a fun place, a good place to go.
9. The women who come to my Sunday morning devotions at the shelter. They don't have to come, they need to rush for church when I'm finished but we are growing together, learning more about this great God we serve. They welcome me joyfully every week and look forward to when I'm coming back. They keep me humble, they keep me growing, they keep me faithful to my time with God (The minute I stop doing that, they're going to know!! These women don't miss a thing.) and for that I am incredibly grateful.
Someone somewhere will remind me of someone I should have included. These are the people on my mind today, probably because I have been touched by all of them in the last few days.
Saw a post today that Saturday is Iris' birthday. I'd like to take this moment to say Happy Birthday, Iris. I thank God for you today, too. Without you, I wouldn't take the time to think through my blessings as deeply as I do for this post. Thank you for starting "Thankful Thursdays" and I hope to be participating for many years. May God bless your birthday with wonderful family, fun times and sweet memories!
Have a gloriously blessed Thursday!