I'm adding this 1st paragraph AFTER I've already typed my post. I'm apologizing ahead of time for my wordiness. I remember now why I so prefer private to public thank you's. I'm not anywhere NEAR as wordy with the private type as I am with the public type! Thank you ahead of time for reading and seriously... thank you Kimba & Deb!! ~Blessings!
A while back, I entered a giveaway that Kimba (A Soft Place to Land) was hosting for a $50 gift certificate to the Pink Pig. Something happened in there and Kimba forgot to announce a winner but that was ok because in that same time, I forgot I'd entered!! What a wonderful, incredible surprise to get an email from her telling me I'd won!
Now... $50 to use on whatever I wanted from the Pink Pig. Oh... what to choose... what to choose.... It really was tough. I mean.... I was tempted by this and this, although - Aaron hates orange so I had to move along pretty quickly but then there was this and this (they weren't sold when I first started looking)... and it was SO tough to choose.
Then, I found what I did choose and it all fell into place. I combined my husband's love of silver serving pieces with my love of birds and voila.... TWO things that will make us BOTH smile. And then, to add to the joy, Deb told me she was going to stick one of their new Christmas candles into my box. I know almost every girl on this planet likes candles but I'm a bit obsessed (I have an entire dresser dedicated to storing my candles) so when she said candle... waiting for this box became torture!
Then, I found what I did choose and it all fell into place. I combined my husband's love of silver serving pieces with my love of birds and voila.... TWO things that will make us BOTH smile. And then, to add to the joy, Deb told me she was going to stick one of their new Christmas candles into my box. I know almost every girl on this planet likes candles but I'm a bit obsessed (I have an entire dresser dedicated to storing my candles) so when she said candle... waiting for this box became torture!
Just this morning (approximately 9:45 AM but seriously - who was obsessing?) I was wondering if the mailman would have a gift for me today. AND low & behold - 12:38 pm IT ARRIVED. Could hardly stand it. Opened that box and started to dive in before I remembered I needed to make sure I took pictures. What good is a public thank you without pictures???? So.... without further ado... my Pink Pig Giveaway Winner Choices and a MASSIVE thank you to both Kimba and Deb who have both brought a brilliant ray of sunshine into this gray day....

I wish I could share smells via my blog. This candle smells incredible!!! I can't wait to burn it. Yum!!!!

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