
Pray for Abby

I know there is a button on my side bar and I know Abby isn't the only little girl out there dealing with leukemia but she has come to represent something to me. It seems to me that every time I ask someone how they're doing, either they've just been diagnosed with cancer or someone close to them has. Perhaps it's just that I am getting older, I know more people, the people I know are getting older...the world is getting smaller. I don't know what it is exactly but the phrase "I have cancer" seems to be almost as common as "I've had a cold."

Abby is 4. She's adorable. I have never met her but from what I've read she's endearing, precocious, sweet, thoughtful and precious. And she's sick. More sick than I can possibly imagine and her little body is struggling to handle it.

The family has an incredible faith in God and they know He has her in His hands. She does not walk this road alone, He is carrying her. The family knows this and they rely on it. They still pray for healing. Miraculous, complete healing.

Would you pray for her, too? You can read about her here: ...where laughter lives... or you can click on the button in my sidebar. You can pray for Abby, the family, send them a note. They would love our encouragment, to know we're standing with them, even if it's from thousands of miles away.

Take a moment to find out about Abby.

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