
Birthday Stuff

We headed to Oregon last Sunday. My brother is turning 40 early next month, my nephew turns 10 Saturday and my niece turns 7 on Sunday. They always do the kids' birthday party on the Sunday before Memorial Day and this year my sister-in-law surprised my brother with a party, too. It worked - he had no clue. We had a great time, even with the rain and cold. It was a bit hard to drive home since we had just driven down there Sunday morning. I haven't been up past midnight in I can't remember how long! We stopped several times on the way home so I could stretch my legs and keep myself awake.

Monday we headed over to visit some friends in Port Townsend. I am not unique when I say if I had the money, I'd buy their place today. Most of their friends and family have said the same thing. It is on the market and it is one of the most peaceful, beautiful places I've been in a LONG time. I hope we can go back before they move to Texas!

That was our Memorial Day weekend. The traveling part of it, anyhow. We did see the new Narnia movie. Loved it. I'm already looking forward to adding it to the DVD collection. There was one part I could have done without and I can see why our friends covered their sons' eyes. Other than that, though, it is really good!

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