

How does one handle the death of a child?  How does one approach the parents?  What can I possibly say to people who are aching with a pain I can't even begin to imagine?  What do they need?   What does God want us to do for them?

Today I learned that friends of mine had to take their 8 year old daughter off of life support.  She had been diagnosed with ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura), a blood disorder in August.  A risk with ITP is blood clots.  She developed one, in her brain. 

Eight years old. 

Christmas will never be the same again for this family.  Life will never be the same again for this family.  What can a person do?  Say?  My heart is absolutely shattered and I can't begin to imagine what they are feeling. 

I can't even think to write. 

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